"Life is not a race - but indeed a journey. Be Honest. Work Hard. Be Choosy. Say "thank you", and "great job" to someone each day. Go to church, take time for prayer. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh. Let your handshake mean more than pen and paper. Love your life and what you've been given, it is not accidental ~ search for your purpose and do it as best you can. Dreaming does matter. It allows you to become that which you inspire to be. Laugh often. Appreciate the little things in life and enjoy them Some of the best things really are free. Do not worry, less wrinkles are more becoming. Forgive, it frees the soul. Take time for yourself ~ Plan or longevity. Recognize the special people you've been blessed to know. Live for today, enjoy the moment."-Bonnie L. Mohr
This picture and the great message on it really stood out to me as I was visiting with one of our ward member's house. Just reading it, I learned a whole lot from it. But as I was pondering a lot about this message this morning...I came to the conclusion that it is only through the gospel of Jesus Christ and His atonement were everything is possible. You will find more happiness in life, life would be so much easier, and the blessings you receive is Countless. I am so grateful for the gospel and especially for my Savior, Jesus Christ. Serving a mission and being here to serve others, I have come to know more about my Savior and our Heavenly Father's love for each and everyone of us. When we put our trust in the Lord, and make Him our first priority, all is well...by building our "foundation on Christ, that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall." (Helaman 5:12) I know as we live His gospel daily and gain a testimony about His atonement, all the things mentioned in this beautiful message are fulfilled.
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