Saturday, February 26, 2011

Follow Thou Me

Another beautiful daughter of our Heavenly Father made a great decision to follow her Savior, Jesus Christ and be baptized today. It has been a spiritually uplifting day for me and I am grateful I was part of her special day. She made that decision to "fulfill all righteousness," just like Jesus Christ did. A beautiful ordinance made to testify of the truthfulness of the priesthood that has been restored again here on earth.

She has made that great step in her life and will continue to fulfill those covenants that she has made with her Father in Heaven. I am proud of her and for her great example! What a great blessing to witness a great ceremony that has strengthened my testimony. God lives and He loves each and everyone of His children. I know He is overwhelmed with joy and says, "my beloved Daughter, I am well pleased."

I am grateful for the priesthood and for the many great blessings it brings. The priesthood has definitely blessed my life and has brought me where I am today. I know with all the assurity of my heart that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true church of Christ here on earth.


  1. That is great! So happy for Amy and the decision she has made to come that much closer to our Father in Heaven.

  2. How exciting for you to be apart of it all! To see the change, the growth, and the renewal. You and your companion will always remember this forever! Thanks for posting and HOORAY!

  3. Amy you're an amazing girl! Thank you sisters for your hard work in guiding her to the waters of baptism.

  4. Thats so awesome! Its so exciting to see others change to follow Jesus Christ!!
