I had a great experience yesterday with one of our Single Branch members that we were visiting. He is an awesome kid with a great desire to follow Christ and keep His commandments. I just finished the Book of Mormon a few weeks ago. But yesterday, we read the first chapter of the first Book of Nephi together and a lot of things stood out to me. As we were discussing what we read with one another we both pointed out the same verse, where it says: "And it came to pass that the Jews did mock him because of the things which he testified of them." (1Nephi 1:19) When Lehi prayed with all his heart to the Lord, he beheld a vision where he read a book concerning the destruction of Jerusalem. When he received this vision he went to his people and prophesied of the things that he saw and heard . The people mocked him and even sought to kill him. This particular verse can relate to us in these days. When we do the things that we know to be right and good, others will judge, criticize, or try to make us look bad. And sometimes we even get disowned or rejected by our loved ones. I was reading a story in the Ensign magazine about a lady with unshakable faith and a great testimony who set a great example by staying strong in what she believed to be true. Her name was Rebecca Swain Williams from Pennsylvania, the youngest of 10 children. In the fall of 1830 the first missionaries arrived in Kirtland and started teaching her. After many meetings with the missionaries she was baptized and became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. One of her hopes was that her family would accept the gospel and receive the many blessings that it offers. However, her conversion infuriated her father. She did not turn back or give up. "Despite her family's hostility toward the Church, this early convert remained faithful and devoted to the work." Because of her great acts of service for those around her and her love for the gospel, her testimony and faith were unshakable. She continued to share the gospel with her family no matter what and strove to fulfill the promises that she had made with Heavenly Father. And those promises are being "willing to mourn with those that mourn, comfort those that stand in need of comfort, stand as witnesses of God at all times, all places, all things, serve him, and keep His commandments." (Mosiah 18:9-10) Bishop Richard C. Edgley, First Counselor in the presiding Bishopric stated in his last October General Conference: "Because of the conflicts and challenges we face in today's world, I wish to suggest a single choice--a choice of peace and protection and a choice that is appropriate for all. That choice is faith. So I say, choose faith. Choose faith over doubt, choose faith over fear, choose faith over the unknown and the unseen, and choose faith over pessimism." It is my prayer that we will "be steadfast and immovable, always abounding in good works"(Mosiah 5:15) that we will grow in faith and love for the gospel.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
You Will Be Freed...There is Hope

I was reading a General Conference talk titled "O That Cunning Plan of the Evil One" by Elder Ballard and it is something that we can all relate to. He talks a lot about addiction, but it really could be everything and anything that we go through in life. As I was pondering about this message, I gained more hope that only through the Atonement of Jesus Christ we can be healed. The analogy that he uses with the fly fishing is very true. He says, "Lucifer knows our hunger, or weaknesses, and tempts us with counterfeit lures which, if taken, can cause us to be yanked from the stream of life into his unmerciful influence. And unlike a fly fisherman who catches and releases the fish unharmed back into the water, Lucifer will not voluntarily let go. His goal is to make his victims as miserable as he is." On the other hand, Heavenly Father has provided us with His gospel, His son Jesus Christ, and many opportunities where we can find true joy and happiness. True happiness comes from the small and simple things that we do to prevent us from being caught by Lucifer's lies and cunning intelligence. Some of those small and simple things are reading the scriptures, praying, going to church, serving the Lord, and keeping His commandments. I know that as we follow the counsel of Alma to his son Helaman "that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass,"(Alma 37:6) we will never be led astray by Lucifer and his lies. God knew we will sin and make mistakes, but He has provided a way for us to be spiritually clean and reunited to Him through our Savior, Jesus Christ. The Savior taught, "For behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent;but if they would not repent they must suffer even as I." (D&C 19:16-17) Elder Ballard states, "there is a way to spiritual freedom--a way to escape from bondage--a way that is proven. It begins with prayer--sincere, fervent, and constant communication with the Creator of our spirits and bodies, Our Heavenly Father. It is the same principle in breaking a bad habit or repenting from sin of any kind." Jesus Christ, who willingly atoned for our sins said: "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." (Matthew 11:28-30) If we put our trust in the Atonement of our Savior, there is hope because God loves us. I know that there is power in prayer and God answers prayers. I have seen many miracles and blessings as I have put my trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and His Atonement. I am not perfect, but through Him I can be made whole. It is my prayer that we will continue to do the small and simple things by relying on our Savior. And when "the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, his shafts in the whirlwind, all his hail and mighty storm shall beat upon [us], it shall have no power over [us] to drag [us] down to the gulf of misery." (Helaman 5:12)
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Helping Hands

I read an article in the Ensign this morning that really helped answered some of my concerns and struggles that I have been going through. I love to help people in any way I can, especially helping them to receive the gospel. And it has been a problem to me because I want to help them so much, but sometimes they just don't want the help. But as I read this article, I began to ponder about how I can relate this story to me and what I am going through. I like to help and see others change because it makes me happy. And when I don't see a change or things don't go the way I want it to be or expect it to be I get sad, discouraged, or frustrated. And sometimes I feel like I am not doing the very best I can or I have failed. But as I was pondering about this, a verse from the scriptures came to mind, "...for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength." (Mosiah 4:27) We all can choose for ourselves and that is something I need to instill in my mind. That as much as I want to help others, they have their own free will to choose. But what I can do is love them despite their weaknesses, struggles, or choices that they make. God is the father of our souls and He knows each and everyone of us personally. He also has a specific plan for everyone. And is preparing a way for each and everyone of His children to come unto Him. Just like how He has prepared me to be who I am today. It is through the Savior's Atonement where we can be healed and that is His role, not mine. I know that the Lord wants me to believe and trust in Him and to not give up on Him, His timing, or His ways.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
The Great Healer

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