Thursday, May 12, 2011

Are We Doing All We Can?

I read a general conference talk by Elder Bruce C. Hafen this morning titled, "The Atonement: All for All." He talks a lot about how the Atonement of Jesus Christ is for all of God's children. And through the restoration of His gospel, the fulness of truths has been revealed for our own happiness. We will all face challenges, trials, struggles, and opposition, but it's through Jesus Christ and His Atonement where we can overcome all things! Elder Hafen says, "If you have problems in your life, don't assume there is something wrong with you. Struggling with those problems is at the very core of life's purpose. As we draw close to God, He will show us our weaknesses and through them make us wiser, stronger. (Ether 12:27) If you're seeing more of your weaknesses, that just might mean you're moving nearer to God, not father away." I have never thought of it that way. That just tells me that Satan is real and really strong in trying to stir up our hearts and minds. So when we do recognize our weaknesses, we often think that we are not good enough, we are not worthy, or even good enough. Satan makes us feel miserable and doesn't want us to be happy. He wants to destroy God's plan and lead God's children to the gulf of misery. This powerful message has given me a different perspective when I recognize my weaknesses now. Heavenly Father wants you to recognize your weaknesses so you can become a better person. But when you start feeling and thinking that you are not good enough, it is not of God.

We grow in two ways--by removing negative weeds(thoughts) and cultivating positive flowers (attitudes). "The Savior's grace blesses both parts--if we do our part. We must repeatedly uproot the weeds of sin and bad choices. It isn't enough just to mow the weeds. Yank them out by the roots, repenting fully to satisfy the conditions of mercy...And once we have cleared out our heartland, we must continually plant, weed, and nourish the seeds of divine qualities. And then as our sweat and discipline stretch us tot meet His gifts, the 'flow'rs of grace appear', like hope and meekness." We need the Savior's grace to overcome sin and to grow to be divine sons and daughters of Heavenly Father. Grace is not cheap and we should never take advantage of it. There is no cost for grace, but all God asks us to do, is to give all that we have. His plan of happiness with Him can help us overcome all opposition and bring us "incomprehensible joy." Christ's Atonement is central to His plan. Without His scarfice "there would be no way home, no way to be together, no way to be like Him."

I know that the fulness of God's gospel has been restored again here on earth. That through His gospel and our Savior Jesus Christ we can find true joy and happiness in this life and the life after.We are not perfect, but through Christ's mercy and grace, we can overcome all things! "If we must give all that we have, then our giving only almost everything is not enough. If we almost keep the commandments, we almost receive the blessings." We can not procrasinate or wait around and expect full blessings from our Heavenly Father. "So we must willingly give everything, because God Himself can't make us grow against our will and without our full participation." I know that as I have given my all to the will of God, I have received the many blessings that God wants me to have. If I am caring, if I am charitable, if I am obedient to God and follow His prophets, my sacrifices will bring forth the blessings of heaven. I pray that we will all become Saints willing to sacrifice and become eligible for the Lord’s special blessings.


  1. That is one of my favorite talks! It seriously has changed my life. It opened my eyes to how much I truly must give of myself to the Lord.

  2. You are such a great writer! I really enjoy reading your posts each week. Grace is not cheap, neither is joy. Both have a cost. But both are worth it!

  3. I am always glad to learn more about the nature of God! God bless!
