Monday, October 25, 2010

Come What May & Love It

Sometimes in life things don't go the way we want them to be. But if we do these four principles that the Apostle of Jesus Christ has told us to do, we will be able to overcome the challenges we face.

1.Learn to Laugh
2.Seek for the Eternal
3.Principle of Compensation
4.Trust The Lord

The Lord will always be there to lif us up of our burdens, heart aches, trials, and afflictions. If we put our trust in Him we will gain the strength to overcome the adversity. If we build our foundation with Jesus Christ in the center of our life, He will help us through all that we stand in need of. "Adversity, if handled correctly, can be a blessing in our lives. We can learn to love it." -Elder Wirthlin


  1. I think Elder Wirthin really learned the lesson his mother taught him when he was a young boy. I love his advice on how to best deal with adversity. That you for sharing it today! I will always remember, "Come what may, and love it!" Great motto for life!

  2. I know...I love it! Glad you liked it:) I love you Sister Bunker!!!
