So this week I gained a testimony of how much Heavenly Father answers our prayers through the scriptures. It is so true, even when at times it doesn't seem like your getting anywhere from where your reading.
On Monday, I woke up that morning and started getting ready after my exercises. During my personal study I was really distracted because there was a lot of things going through my mind. I had a lot of stuff to do, to email home, and write to everyone else. So I really couldn't get my mind straight and was off wandering and looking outside while my scriptures were in front of me waiting on me to start reading them. I finally said a prayer that Heavenly Father would help me so I can forget about whatever was distracting me and let me study for my investigators and the people that we were planning on visiting that day. I went on saying, "I want you to talk to me so I am just going to randomly open my Book of Mormon". After my prayer, I randomly opened my scripture and it came to the last chapter of the Book of Ether, Ether chapter 15. I started reading and this was an account of Coriantumr and Shiz's battle.
Towards the middle of the chapter I stopped, and conversed with Heavenly Father. I said, "Heavenly Father, really? How does this apply to me?" I sat there looking out my window when my companion walked by me to grab something by my desk. She came and gave me a kiss on the cheek and a hug:)[She's sweet like that!] And so she said, "I feel like Heavenly Father talks to me everyday." So I said, "What? He is definitely not talking to me." I told her what had just happened and she told me to just be patient and keep reading. I went back to the same chapter and read it again. And as I was reading I was likening the verses to myself. And I came to know what Heavenly Father was saying to me.
The account of Coriantumr and Shiz was they assembled their own army and fought with one another. They would battle with one another until it was dark, retire to bed, and on the next day they would battle again. They kept going for days until all their armies were dead and they were the only ones left. And Coriantumr smote off Shiz and he died.
How does this relate to me?
"Whether the Lord will that i be translated, or that I suffer the will of the Lord in the flesh, it mattereth not, if it so be that I am saved in the kkingdom of God.Amen."(Ether15:34)
That day Heavenly Father told me that everyday I will face distractions, trials, or challenges that will bother me. But I need to battle those distractions by exercising my faith, having patience, and putting my Trust in the Lord having confidence that He is going to help me overcome my weaknesses. And only through Christ I can overcome everything and anything that falls in my path trying to lure me off His path. I know Heavenly Father talks to us whenever we read our scriptures. And He wants each and everyone of us to liken the scripture to ourselves to give us comfort, peace, and answers our questions or whatever we're going through. I am so grateful for the power of the scriptures and how Heavenly Father answers our prayers, concerns, and whatever were going through...through the scriptures. Even if it's something that we don't think it relates to us, but as we continue to have faith and patience, it'll come to us and our minds will be enlightened:)
I love the introduction on your blog. What a sweet experience to find Christ.