Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Sunday Night Drive

Saturday, November 27, 2010
Baptism-The First Promise
Suzie has taken that journey...in preparing herself to be with her Heavenly Father again after this life. President Joseph F. Smith said, "Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins, by one having authority, is a true principle, because Christ taught it; Christ obeyed it, and would not fail, for anything, to fulfil it—not that He was sinful and needed to be baptized for the remission of sins, but He only needed to do it to fulfill all righteousness, that is, to fulfil the law."I know that Heavenly Father is happy for Suzie and is saying, "my [beautiful daughter], in whom I am well pleased." (Matt 3:17) Because she followed His Son, Jesus Christ's example.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Mormon Messages: What Matters Most
What matters most to me? As I was pondering about this message and applying it to myself I came with a few answers. The gospel, Jesus Christ, my Book of Mormon, the people here at Napa, my family, and everyone that has touched my heart. These are what matter most to me and are very important to me. Because without these things or these people, I wouldn't be who I am today. The gospel of has brought so much happiness and joy to my life. Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer and through Him I am saved. The Book of Mormon gives me peace and comfort whenever I read it and it always answers my prayers. The people here at Napa has really opened my eyes and my heart. I have come to learn more about myself by meeting the great and wonderful people here. My family is my strength and they complete me, without them...I would be so lost in this world. And all the people that have touched me in many ways are the great examples and I look up to them. There are many more important things and people that matters most to me, but these are some of the things that keeps me going and to never give up! I love the gospel, my Savior, my family, my Book of Mormon, and everyone here at Napa and through out the world that has changed my life or touched me in some ways...YOU ARE ALL SO IMPORTANT TO ME! I love you all :)
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Unknown Author
I've never made a fortune,
I'm reaping better than I sowed.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
The Divine Gift of Gratitude
President Gordon B. Hinckley said, “When you walk with gratitude, you do not walk with arrogance and conceit and egotism, you walk with a spirit of thanksgiving that is becoming to you and will bless your lives.”
As Thanksgiving is coming up soon, I started thinking about the many blessings that have been given to me. Then I came upon this scripture above and it made me think more about it. We all know that Thanksgiving Day is a time for us to be thankful and grateful for the blessings we have. According to the Wikipedia Encyclopedia this is what it means: "Thanksgiving was a holiday to express thankfulness, gratitude, and appreciation to God, family and friends for which all have been blessed of material possessions and relationships." Is it only on Thanksgiving Day that we give thanks?
In the Book of Mormon, Amulek testifies about giving thanks to the Lord daily. It says, "That ye contend no more against the Holy Ghost, but that ye receive it, and take upon you the name of Christ; that ye humble yourselves even to the dust, and worship God, in whatsoever place ye may be, in spirit and in truth; and that ye live in thanksgiving daily, for the many mercies and blessings which he doth bestow upon you." (Alma 34:38)
How blessed are we to have a loving Heavenly Father that pours out blessings to us daily. And sometimes we often forget because of the trails we face, the hardships, or we just get to caught up with life. I am so grateful for my Heavenly Father and for all the things He has given me. I want to express my gratitude and thanks to Him daily, "by night and by day because I know if I do these things, I will be lifted up at the last day." Alma 37:37
Sunday, November 21, 2010
O Remember, Remember
2 Nephi 29:11
"For I command all men, both in the east and in the west, and in the north, and in the south,and in the islands of the sea, that they shall write the words which I speak unto them; for our of the books which shall be written I will judge the world, every man according to their works, according to that which is written."
I never thought that keeping a journal was that important. I mean, I used to have journals growing up and I would write whenever I feel like too. There were times I forget and sometimes I would not write for a really long time. But journals can be your personal scripture; to write down experiences, inspirations, spiritual influences, testimonies, or anything that comes to mind.
Ask yourself the same question as President Eyring, "Have I seen the hand of God reaching out to touch me, or us?" I know that Heavenly Father reaches out to us everyday...He works miracles always! But if we really sit down and ponder about how our day went, and write them down...even the small and simple things that happens, we will recognize the many blessings we receive.
We have been commanded by the Lord and taught by our prophets and apostles to write down the revelations we receive through the Spirit. That we will be judged according to which is written.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Lifting Burdens: The Atonement of Jesus Christ
Too Many Burdens
by Ellen Bailey
You may sometimes feel your burdens are too much
That they cause you worries, heartaches, and such
You go to bed each night with problems on your mind
Hoping by the break-of-day some relief you'll find
Everyone's life is touched by trials and tribulations
That sometime leads to a life of quite desperation
A kind of doom and gloom permeates the soul
So much so that you put our life on hold
But God never gives us more than we can bare
Don't be afraid to call on Him in your darkness hour
Place your trust in Him and your troubles He will hear
He will help lift your spirits and calm your fears
I have been blessed to know that the trails that I face in this life can be overcome only through Jesus Christ. Only through Jesus Christ I can bare my heart aches, sorrows, pains, and hardships. And when I rely on Him by putting my trust in Him, He will lift my burdens off my shoulder. Elder Dallin H. Oaks says, "The healing power of the Lord Jesus Christ … is available for every affliction in mortality." I love the Savior and I am grateful for His atonement.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Promptings of the Holy Ghost
So it all started this one day, I think it was on a Thursday where we contacted this guy while going to an appointment. He didn't seem interested but has talked with missionaries before. We invited him to church, but he said he will think about it. He didn't seem too interested, but my companion and I bore our testimonies and gave him an invitation to church. The next day we were at the same area teaching an investigator. On our way out there was a yard sale...and since we needed lamps for our new apartment, we stopped to buy one and saw a dresser. The sister's that live with us didn't have one, and since it was just two dollars..it was a really good deal!
The only problem was, it wouldn't fit our car:/ Standing with our car door open, wondering what we can do or who to call?! This same man we have tried contacting rode hi bicycle by and stopped to look at us. He asked how far did we live? We told him where we lived and so he told us that he will be right back. He came back with his truck and hauled our dresser to our home. Another blessed day here at the mission field. How I am so grateful of my Heavenly Father's love for me.
He dropped off our dresser and left. So when we were leaving from our appointment that day...I saw his car and was prompted to go give him a Book of Mormon. I got in the way of the Spirit again...those thoughts and doubts, which is the adversary. I was backing up my companion, and again...the Spirit told me that I really have to go give this guy a Book of Mormon. I finally told my companion about how I felt and told her to drive by his truck. I grabbed a Book of Mormon, wrote down my testimony and put a sticky note thanking him for his help. I went over and thanked him and gave him the Book of Mormon. He accepted the offer and took the book, which I was really surprised because when we first contacted him, he didn't want the book.
He had this huge smile on his face and said that he will take it. I have a great testimony of the Holy Ghost. That when the Spirit tells us what to do, we should never get on it's way...
Friday, November 12, 2010
Mother's Love
© Laura M. Phipps-Kelley
Mother, as I walk through the journey of life, I remember.
I remember how you helped me to grow with love, truth, and honesty.
I remember how you helped me to choose the right
path with values, morals, and self worth.
I remember how you gave me dreams with hope and confidence.
As I remember, I pray to be a mother like you,
to shape my children into strong adults, full of hopes and dreams.
You made me who I am today, and I will always remember you
in life's passings for no one could touch my life as you have.
I have been thinking a lot about my mother and how much I miss her. Today, I had a chance to hear her voice. Never thought I would until Christmas but I feel like Heavenly Father knew how much I missed her and how much she wanted to hear from me. I had an interview with my President today...and just like any other interviews he asked how I was doing personally. I shared with him how much I miss my mother and just started crying. I really do miss my mom and she has been on my mind lately. My president gave me his phone and told me to give her a call. For a minute there, I thought I was dreaming...I was expecting more of, "Your doing good, it's almost Christmas and you will get a chance to talk with your mom." So my response was, "It's okay." Funny, huh?! He assured me again that it was okay. So I left the room with the phone on my hand really not knowing what to do. I finally started dialing my mom's number, still thinking that this can't be real. After so many tries, the operator kept saying that the account wasn't authorize to make that call. The president came out after each interview he had and I told him that it wasn't working. He told me to keep trying. After so many tries, I figured that Heavenly Father probably doesn't want me to. I finally gave him his phone and said how I was feeling...that maybe I am not supposed to. He said "I feel like you should call your mom and tell her how much you love her." I went and got a calling card and called my mom. It was about 630 Saturday morning there, and she picked up the phone after a few rings. It was so good to hear from her! The first thing she said to me was, "My prayers has been answered. I have been reading your letter and just praying that I can hear your voice soon." Tears were rolling down my cheeks...tears of happiness, gratitude, peace, and comfort.
My president is called by God. He had a feeling that it is something I should do, even though I felt like it was not meant to be after so many tries. Heavenly Father does answer prayers! He leads and guides each and everyone of His children here on earth. He is loving, kind, merciful, and powerful. I know that Heavenly Father loves me and that Jesus lives. He is mindful of me and knows me more than I know myself. He knows my mother well enough, and has blessed her this very day to be able to hear from her daughter she hasn't heard from in a while. I love my mother, and just like my president...my mother is a great influence in my life. Mother is a great title, an honor. And I am so grateful for my mother and all she has done...her love, teachings, nurturing, comfort, support, and all the things she has done that makes me who I am today. How blessed I am for an earthly mother and a heavenly mother!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Thanksgiving Prayer

By Marianne Wilson McKnight
Marianne Wilson McKnight, “Counting Blessings,” Friend, Nov. 2000, 5
I wrote down, “friends and family,
I’m grateful for so many things—
I wrote the name of Jesus down—
And now whenever I feel down
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
What is The Word of Wisdom
Remember that our bodies are sacred. We should treat them with respect and reverence. The Word of Wisdom teaches that we are to eat healthy foods. It teaches very specifically that we are to avoid harmful substances, including alcohol, tobacco, tea, and coffee. We must also avoid harmful drugs in any form. People who obey the Word of Wisdom are more
receptive to spiritual truths.
I am so grateful for the Word of Wisdom and for the many blessings that Heavenly Father has blessed me with because I obey His commandment. Sometimes we often wonder and question why Heavenly Father gives us commandments like these, but Heavenly Father loves us very much and He wants to bless us with good health.
But this is a great article by President Ezra Taft Benson:
LDS.org - Ensign Article - A Principle with a Promise
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
LDS.org - Ensign Article - Get On with Our Lives
It was transfer week and I have a NEW COMPANION! Yay:) And it made me think of a this talk, by Elder Steven E. Snow. Changes are good...they help you grow and learn. I am so grateful for my new companion...she is awesome!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
He Lives: Testimonies of Jesus Christ
I know that Jesus Christ lives!!! He is my Savior and I am grateful for His atoning sacrifice for me. I love Him with all my heart and I know that He loves me too.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
"When The Lord Commands"
The story is told of two outdoor enthusiasts who hired a bush plane to fly them to a remote lake for their annual fishing trip. Following a successful outing, the pilot returned to retrieve them. However, he quickly informed the fishermen that his small plane would not support them, their equipment, and the added weight of the fish they had caught. A second flight would be required.
Now, the sportsmen were not interested in paying for a second round-trip. So after a promise to pack tightly and a small bonus payment, the pilot reluctantly agreed to attempt the flight.
The fishermen grinned knowingly as the pilot forced the aircraft into the air. However, seconds later the plane stalled and crashed into a large, flat swampy area at the end of the lake.
The plane had stalled as it flew because of a well-known phenomenon called “ground effect.” Ground effect is created when air is compressed between the aircraft’s wings and the earth’s surface—when they are in close proximity. In this case, as the bush plane inched its way upward out of ground effect, it was required to fly on its own power, which it simply could not do.
Fortunately there were no serious injuries, and after regaining their senses, one of the fishermen asked the other, “What happened?” The second replied, “We crashed on takeoff—about a hundred yards (91 m) from where we ended up last year!”
Like the two sportsmen, occasionally we believe that there must be an easier way, a shortcut or modification of the Lord’s commandments that will accommodate our individual circumstances. Thoughts such as these fail to acknowledge that strict obedience to God’s laws brings His blessings and failure to abide by His laws leads to foreseeable consequences.
At the time of his appointment as President of the Church, Harold B. Lee said: “The safety of the Church lies in the members keeping the commandments. … As they keep the commandments, blessings will come.”1
When we choose to disobey a commandment, it is usually because (1) we have convinced ourselves that the commandment does not apply to us; (2) we do not believe that it is important; or (3) we are certain that it is too difficult to obey.
1. This Commandment Doesn’t Apply to Me
During the closing years of King Solomon’s reign, the Lord informed him through His prophet, “I will … rend the kingdom from thee, and will give it to thy servant.”2
Shortly thereafter, the prophet Ahijah identified that servant as Jeroboam, an “industrious” man whom Solomon had made “ruler over all the charge of the house of Joseph.”3 Jeroboam’s duties required him to travel from the mountains of Ephraim, where he lived, to the capital of Jerusalem. During one of those trips, Ahijah met him along the road. Through Ahijah, the Lord said, “I will … give ten tribes to thee.”4 He also instructed Jeroboam, “If thou wilt … walk in my ways … to keep my statutes and my commandments, … I will be with thee … and will give Israel unto thee.”5
After hearing of Ahijah’s prophecy, Solomon sought to kill Jeroboam, so Jeroboam fled to Egypt.6 Upon Solomon’s death Jeroboam returned from exile to the northern part of Israel and began to lead the northern ten tribes.7
However, Jeroboam’s plan to rule the kingdom involved a mixture of good and evil. He established Shechem as the nation’s capital, a city of great religious significance to his people. But sadly he introduced satanic rituals into their worship.8
Jeroboam convinced himself that some of God’s commandments were not applicable to him. As a result of his actions, all of his descendants were slain, and because of the heathen practices he had introduced into their sacred ordinances, the ten tribes of Israel were eventually driven from their inheritance.9
Just as flying out of ground effect with more weight than an aircraft’s wings can sustain will lead to disastrous consequences, our partial or selective compliance with God’s laws will fail to bring the full blessings of obedience.
2. This Commandment Is Not Important
Decades later Naaman, a Syrian war hero, “a mighty man in valour,”10 traveled from his native country to Israel and approached the king, Jehoram, to be healed of leprosy.11
Naaman was directed to the prophet Elisha. “And Elisha sent a messenger unto him, saying, Go and wash in Jordan seven times, … and thou shalt be clean.”12
Despite this prophetic promise to be cured, Naaman was offended that Elisha did not greet him in person and even more insulted with the prophet’s direction to wash seven times in the small and muddy Jordan River. His pride demanded something more noteworthy and grand, something matching his stature and place in the community and nation.
Fortunately for Naaman, his servants convinced him that regardless of what the prophet asked him to do, if obeyed, it would bring the Lord’s blessings. Naaman washed himself in the Jordan River as directed and, as a result of his obedience, was cured of his leprosy.13
Obedience to the Lord’s commands, in spite of how trivial or unimportant we believe them to be, will surely bring His promised blessings.
3. This Commandment Is Just Too Hard
Following the Lord’s command, the prophet Lehi led his family into the wilderness. During the first few days of the journey, Lehi instructed his son Lemuel to be “firm and steadfast, and immovable in keeping the commandments of the Lord!”14
However, when the prophetic requirement came to return to Jerusalem to retrieve the brass plates, containing a “record of the Jews,”15 the two oldest boys rebelled, saying, “It is a hard thing.”16
Despite his older brothers’ murmuring, Nephi’s faith in and obedience to the Lord’s commands led to obtaining those brass plates. A nation was built, a language was preserved, and the gospel of Jesus Christ was taught for generations to come.
At times we may rationalize that the Lord will understand our disobedience because our special circumstances make adherence to His laws difficult, embarrassing, or even painful. However, faithful obedience, regardless of the apparent size of the task, will bring the Lord’s guidance, assistance, and peace.
The Prophet Joseph Smith petitioned the Lord on two occasions, asking if a prominent friend, Martin Harris, could take the first 116 handwritten pages of translated material from the book of Lehi from Harmony, Pennsylvania, back to Palmyra. Each time, the Lord counseled Joseph to avoid entrusting the manuscript to Mr. Harris.
Martin was seeking to use the translated material as evidence to stop his associates from spreading rumors about his friendship with Joseph Smith. On the third request the Lord granted Joseph’s appeal.17
Martin lost the manuscript, and as a result the plates were taken from the Prophet Joseph Smith for an extended period. This was a painful lesson for the Prophet Joseph, who said, “I made this my rule: When the Lord commands, do it.”18 This should and can be our rule as well.
The Lord’s response when we obey His commandments is sure. He has promised us, “If you keep my commandments and endure to the end you shall have eternal life.”19
Additionally He has counseled us, “I, the Lord, am merciful and gracious unto those who fear me, and delight to honor those who serve me in righteousness and in truth unto the end.”20
Obedience to the Lord’s commandments provides us confidence in our chosen path, qualifies us for His guidance and direction as we pursue our efforts, and offers us the potential to become like our Savior, Jesus Christ, and return to our Father’s presence.
It is my prayer that each day will find us striving to be more obedient to the laws, ordinances, and commandments of the gospel of Jesus Christ in order that He may more fully bless our lives.
I testify that obedience to God’s commands brings the blessings of heaven; that our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, live; that the Book of Mormon is the word of God; and that President Thomas S. Monson is the Lord’s prophet for our day, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Bruce A. Carlson, “When the Lord Commands,” Liahona, May 2010, 38–40
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It's not very far.
In temples of God,
It's right where we are." (Ensign October 2010; Blessings of the Temple)
I really like this poem that President Monsoon paraphrased in the article about Blessings of the Temple. It is a great blessing to have the temples here on earth where we can go and feel of our Heavenly Father's love and make covenants with Him. He goes on sharing a story about Elder Matthew Cowley. It says;
"The late Elder Matthew Cowley, who was a member of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles, once recounted the Saturday afternoon experience of a grandfather as hand in hand he took his small granddaughter on a birthday visit-not to the zoo or to the movies but to the temple grounds. With permission of the groundskeeper, the two walked to the large doors of the temple. He suggested that she place her hand on the srurdy wall and then on the massive door. Tenderly het then said to her, "Remember that this is the day you touched the temple. One day you will go inside. " His gift to the little one was not candy or ice cream but an experience far more significant and everlasting-an appreciation of the house of the Lord. She had touched the temple, and temple had touched her."
What a beautiful touching story! As we go to the temple our faith in Jesus Christ will grow more and we will be able to bear every trial and overcome all the temptations.
In addition to being a place where sacred priesthood ordinances are performed, the temple is a place of peace and revelation. It is a place where spiritual guidance can be received for crucial decisions or concerns. The Lord blesses those who attend to the sacred ordinance work in the temple. And the blessings He gives will not be limited to the time spent in the temple. Those who do temple work will be blessed in all aspects of their lives. Their labors in the temple will strengthen them and refine them spiritually.
Check this video out;