"How far is heaven?
It's not very far.
In temples of God,
It's right where we are." (Ensign October 2010; Blessings of the Temple)
I really like this poem that President Monsoon paraphrased in the article about Blessings of the Temple. It is a great blessing to have the temples here on earth where we can go and feel of our Heavenly Father's love and make covenants with Him. He goes on sharing a story about Elder Matthew Cowley. It says;
"The late Elder Matthew Cowley, who was a member of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles, once recounted the Saturday afternoon experience of a grandfather as hand in hand he took his small granddaughter on a birthday visit-not to the zoo or to the movies but to the temple grounds. With permission of the groundskeeper, the two walked to the large doors of the temple. He suggested that she place her hand on the srurdy wall and then on the massive door. Tenderly het then said to her, "Remember that this is the day you touched the temple. One day you will go inside. " His gift to the little one was not candy or ice cream but an experience far more significant and everlasting-an appreciation of the house of the Lord. She had touched the temple, and temple had touched her."
What a beautiful touching story! As we go to the temple our faith in Jesus Christ will grow more and we will be able to bear every trial and overcome all the temptations.
It's not very far.
In temples of God,
It's right where we are." (Ensign October 2010; Blessings of the Temple)
I really like this poem that President Monsoon paraphrased in the article about Blessings of the Temple. It is a great blessing to have the temples here on earth where we can go and feel of our Heavenly Father's love and make covenants with Him. He goes on sharing a story about Elder Matthew Cowley. It says;
"The late Elder Matthew Cowley, who was a member of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles, once recounted the Saturday afternoon experience of a grandfather as hand in hand he took his small granddaughter on a birthday visit-not to the zoo or to the movies but to the temple grounds. With permission of the groundskeeper, the two walked to the large doors of the temple. He suggested that she place her hand on the srurdy wall and then on the massive door. Tenderly het then said to her, "Remember that this is the day you touched the temple. One day you will go inside. " His gift to the little one was not candy or ice cream but an experience far more significant and everlasting-an appreciation of the house of the Lord. She had touched the temple, and temple had touched her."
What a beautiful touching story! As we go to the temple our faith in Jesus Christ will grow more and we will be able to bear every trial and overcome all the temptations.
Temples are places of learning. Their principal purpose is to provide ordinances necessary for the children of God to enable them to return to dwell with Him. Temple ordinances lead to the greatest blessings available throught the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Everything in the Church—the meetings and activities, the missionary efforts, the lessons taught and the hymns—all lead to the work done in holy temples.
One ordinance received in the temple is called the endowment. The word endowment means "gift," and the temple endowment truly is a gift from God. The ordinance consists of a series of instructions and includes covenants to live righteously and follow the requirements of the gospel. The endowment focuses on the Savior, His role in Heavenly Father's plan, and the personal commitment of each member to follow Him.
Another temple ordinance is celestial marriage. In this ordinance husband and wife are sealed to one another for eternity. A sealing performed in the temple continues forever if the husband and wife are faithful to the covenants they make.
Children born to parents who have been sealed in the temple are born in the covenant. These children automatically become part of an eternal family. Children who are not born in the covenant can also become part of an eternal family once their natural or adoptive parents have been sealed to one another. The ordinance of sealing children to parents is performed in the temple.
People who have died without these essential gospel ordinances may receive those ordinances through the work done in temples. Acting in behalf of ancestors and others who have died, Church members are baptized and confirmed, receive the endowment, and participate in the sealings of husband to wife and children to parents.
Those who enter the temple must be worthy, which means that they keep the commandments and are prepared to make and keep sacred temple covenants. In two interviews—one with a member of a bishopric or a branch president and another with a member of a stake presidency or a mission president—Church members certify their worthiness to enter the temple. In these interviews, the priesthood leader asks about the individual's personal conduct and worthiness. Those who are worthy receive a temple recommend, which allows them to enter the temple.
In addition to being a place where sacred priesthood ordinances are performed, the temple is a place of peace and revelation. It is a place where spiritual guidance can be received for crucial decisions or concerns. The Lord blesses those who attend to the sacred ordinance work in the temple. And the blessings He gives will not be limited to the time spent in the temple. Those who do temple work will be blessed in all aspects of their lives. Their labors in the temple will strengthen them and refine them spiritually.
Check this video out;
In addition to being a place where sacred priesthood ordinances are performed, the temple is a place of peace and revelation. It is a place where spiritual guidance can be received for crucial decisions or concerns. The Lord blesses those who attend to the sacred ordinance work in the temple. And the blessings He gives will not be limited to the time spent in the temple. Those who do temple work will be blessed in all aspects of their lives. Their labors in the temple will strengthen them and refine them spiritually.
Check this video out;
thank you for the sweet uplifting message. I will go to work today with a feeling of peace in my heart.