Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow
Don't walk behind me, I may not lead
Just walk beside me and be my friend.
-Albert Camus
I really like this quote that I saw at a members house. It really inspired me and made me think more about the paths that we take in this life. We often want to follow a leader or sometimes we want to lead others. But as I was thinking more about this quote a talk by President Monsoon came to my mind, "The Paths Jesus Walked." How we should follow the path Jesus Christ walked as He was here on earth. President Monsoon mentioned some paths Jesus walked:
1. Jesus walked the path of disappointment.
2. Jesus walked the path of temptation.
3. Jesus walked the path of pain.
4. We, with Jesus can walk the path of obedience.
5. We, like Jesus can walk the path of service.
6. Finally, he walked the path of prayer.
Three prayers that Jesus Christ said:
These are really good guidance that has been given to us by our dear prophet that we can apply to our lives. What a great example Jesus showed to us and we should follow His example and walk these paths. But I know He will help us walk these paths if we just put our trust in Him, obey Him, and do the things our Father in heaven has commanded us to do. He is there to lead and guide you, but He will always be there to walk beside you.
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