Sometimes it is hard to work through problems, or do work of any kind. Don't shy away from receiving revelation. Our Father, loves us, and wants to assist, teach, and guide us. But He can only do so, as YOU "Come unto Him". It is each of our obligation to work out our own problems, use our agency, and then councel with the Lord.
President Dieter F. Uchdorf said, " Work is an antidote for anxiety, an ointment for sorrow, and a doorway to possiblity. Whatever our circumstances in life,... let us do the best we can and cultivate a reputation for excellence in all that we do."
"When our wagon gets stuck in the mud, God is much more likely to assist the man who gets out to push than the man who merely raises his voices in prayer-- no matter how eloquent the oration."
President Uchtdorf continues to remind us that if we work to gain public recognition, or worldy wealth, it will not last. And does not bring lasting happiness. But rather, to devote our labors to those things that we can carry with us into the eternities.
Those who are willing and unafraid to reach outside themselves to accomplish even small things, are a blessing to their families, friends, and the world.
So, my friends, why do you work?
by Sister Samantha Bytheway
My companion is AMAZING!!!